Inspired by Fall - Panel #3

I have finished the third panel in what now has become my Inspired by Fall series. 

I planned for this panel to have three bright trees in the front, and the rest of the landscape behind them to be in muted greys - to convey the mood of Winter waiting its turn while Fall still is in full swing.  But, as usual, the piece took a life of its own while I was working on it.  The grey hills and sky that seemed so wonderful in concept, proved to be rather drab and boring once I started to lay the glass out.  And who wants to own a drab and boring stained glass panel?  Most certainly, I would not go for a drab panel myself.

So, I let the color take over and made a festive Indian Summer panel.  It is beautiful, bright and happy, the textured glass (both transparent and opaque) adding greatly to the impression.  I wish I could make the texture to be even more pronounced on my photographs, I did my best to show it off.  And I have to say that in the evening lighting the background of the landscape does look much more muted giving out a totally different vibe.  You can see more pictures of this panel here.

I did not give up on the original idea though, I think it could really work, but that stained glass panel would have to have a different layout and proportions.  I will think it through a bit more, but you can be sure - the fourth panel in my Inspired by Fall series will follow in due course.