So, last Monday I was complaining that we did not get enough rain. Whole week the weather was good and on Saturday afternoon it was hot again, well in the 80th at about 3 pm. At 5 pm dark grey clouds have gathered in the sky and a pretty strong wind has started. First drops of rain fell at about 6 pm and a few minutes later it was pouring and pretty soon temperature dropped by about 15 degrees. This afternoon it was still raining and thermometer was showing 52 F. It is still raining, and it is cold, as it is supposed to be in April.
This is how the Spring is here - one day it is 85 F, next day it is 52 F. Amazing, and not in a good way.
To battle the rainy day blues I would suggest a burst of positive emotions in the form of a very optimistic sunny-yellow umbrella.
I like umbrellas in general, especially colorful ones, and have made designs with umbrellas from stained glass before. One of them was an elaborate red umbrella suncatcher with wire elements shown above. I made it all swirly, and sparkly, and showy, oh my… and more than a year ago it found a loving home in Canada. I meant to make another one for a long time but did not get to it till last week. I was not in a swirly mood then, but rather in a flowy one, so this design is quite different from the previous one.
The swirls and the dark cloud are not there, replaced by light rain. The umbrella is not the defiant red this time, but a bold yellow. The rain is about to end and even as the air is still filled with water dust, and the last heavy drops are going down, the sun has peeked through the clouds and touched the umbrella with its shining ray.