Donation to Earthquake Relief in Japan

The earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11th caused terrible damage.  My skin crawls when I think about it.

I have donated money already and now I would like to donate my time.  I have 8 stained glass butterflies in my store and during March I will donate 100% of my proceeds from their sales to Japanese Red Cross.

It is definitely a drop in the ocean.  Not even a drop, it is a molecule.  But we can put molecules together into drops, and drops into a stream of aid.  Pitch in.  Donate.  Spread the word.

I will be listing the sales and donations here: 

3/14 - 1 butterfly to BMcxxx - $21.50 donated
3/14 - 2 butterflies to barxxx - $40.00 donated
3/15 - 1 butterfly to stuxxx - $21.50 donated
3/16 - 1 butterfly to Emexxx - $22.00 donated
3/16 - 2 butterflies to ewoxxx - $42.50 donated
3/17 - 1 butterfly to robxxx - $21.75 donated
3/17 - 6 butterflies to losxxx - $137.50 donated
3/18 - 1 butterfly to sarxxx - $22.70 donated
3/20 - 2 butterflies to Retxxx - $44.00 donated
3/21 - 1 butterfly to Belxxx - $20.00 donated
TOTAL: 18 butterflies, $393.45

Starting April 1st I will be donating 50% of my proceeds for the sales of butterflies:

4/04 - 1 butterfly to Belxxx - $10.00 donated
4/10 - 4 butterflies to SSaxxx - $42.00 donated
TOTAL: 5 butterflies, $62.00

GRAND TOTAL: $445.45